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Go - Imports

Imports are used when the source code depends on functionality of other packages:

  • An import declaration declares a dependency relation between the importing and imported package
  • The import declarations must come after the package declaration
  • The program will not compile if there are missing imports or unused ones
// Importing packages from the standard library.
import "fmt"
import "math"

Grouping Imports

It’s recommended to group imports using parentheses, this is called a factored import statement:

import (
  // The last element of the import path is the package name by convention
  // For example the files in this package `math/rand` begin with `package rand`.

Explicit Package Name

We can specify an explicit package name to refer to the imported package:

import name "import/path"

For example:

// Import the `math` package and use an explicit name `m` to refer to it
import m "math"

// When the explicit package name is omitted it defaults
// to the name specfied in the `package` clause of the imported package.
import "fmt"


package main

import (
  m "math"

func main() {
  // Using `m.Pi` instead of `math.Pi`.

Explicit package names can be used to avoid conflicts when importing packages with the same name:

import (
  crand "crypto/rand"

If an explicit period . is used instead of an explicit name, all the exported identifiers declared in that package will be declared in the importing source file’s file block and must be accessed without a package name:

package main

import (

  // Using a period `.` instead of a package name.
  . "time"

func main() {
  // Using `Now()` instead of `time.Now()`.

Import Package for Side Effects

To import a package only for its side-effects (initialization), the blank identifier _ is used as the explicit package name:

import (

  _ "" // Import only for initialization